The »Fraunhofer IPK Project Office for Advanced Manufacturing at ITA« is a joint venture between the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA) in São José dos Campos, Brazil, and the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology IPK in Berlin, Germany.

The »Fraunhofer IPK Project Office for Advanced Manufacturing at ITA« is based within the facilities of the Competence Center for Manufacturing (CCM) at ITA. The Project Office aims at the joint acquisition and implementation of industrial and publicly funded research and development projects, pooling resources and expertise of both Fraunhofer IPK and ITA. The scope of research is based on the process chain in industrial companies and includes sustainable innovations in the areas of corporate management, product development, production systems as well as manufacturing and automation technologies. The complementary competencies of these two research institutes allows for the development and prototypical implementation of complex system solutions for digitally integrated production (DIP) in a unique manner. The project office follows on the heels of an exceptionally successful partnership between the German research institute with one of the top engineering schools in Brazil. It replaces the former Fraunhofer Project Center for Advanced Manufacturing at ITA (FPC@ITA), which ran from 2017 until 2021.
FPC@ITA provided assistance to the Brazilian industry, offering comprehensive consulting for the development of innovation projects. It provided not only the scientific expertise required to assist clients in the achievement of their goals, but also gave international access to technologies necessary to complete such development work.