Innovation potential for valorized cascade use of juice production by-products

Brazilian - German Workshop InVaKaS

Fruit production is resource-intensive and therefore calls urgently for more sustainable practices, for instance, through the circular use of biomass. The residues of fruits hold potential for further use and valorization e.g. as feed for livestock, for the extraction of antioxidants, as a nutrient for enzyme or biogas production or as a source of dietary fiber and specialty chemicals. The one week “InVaKaS” workshop with experts from Brazil and Germany, intends to map the value chain and to develop new research ideas for valorization and cascade use contributing to the sustainability transition of value chains. The workshop takes place from 20.3. to 26.3.2023 in Bahia, Brazil. One day - Tuesday, 21.03.2023 – will be organized as a hybrid event and welcomes every person interested in this topic. The workshop language will be English.

InVaKaS - hybrid event

Tuesday, 21.03.2023 | Salvador de Bahia, Brazil

09:00 Welcome address
09:40 Panel 1: funding opportunities
10:30 Break
10:50 Panel 2: start-up companies
12:00 Lunch break
13:00 Panel 3: research projects I
14:10 Break
14:30 Panel 4: research projects II
16:00 End of hybrid event
Boje  Müller

Contact Press / Media

Dr. rer. nat. Boje Müller

Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME
Münster, Germany

Phone +49 251 832-4998

Natalie  Laibach

Contact Press / Media

Dr. rer. nat. Natalie Laibach

Center for Research in Agricultural Genomics CRAG
Barcelona, Spain

Débora  Monteiro Moretti

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Débora Monteiro Moretti

Ruhr Universität Bochum
Bochum, Germany

Contact Press / Media

Eng. Alexandre Martins Moreira

Fraunhofer Innovation Platform at ITAL
Institut of Foodtechnology
Campinas-SP, Brazil

Phone +55 19 3242-4585

Mobile +55 19 9969-58133